CCYAA Fair Play Policy:

In accordance with CCYAA’s objectives to provide a safe and fun environment for its participants, individuals or groups who do not adhere to the following code of conduct when participating in CCYAA events will be subject to immediate suspension and have their conduct reviewed by the CCYAA Executive Rules Committee. Suspended members reserve the right for a scheduled appeal in the presence of the Committee.

  • Fighting and un-sportsmen-like conduct (e.g. pushing, dangerous play, tripping, etc. ) will not be tolerated. Upon the discretion of the CCYAA on-site representative, parties involved with this type of behaviour will be required to immediately leave the premises

  • Any sort of racial / cultural /sexual based harassment will not be tolerated. This includes comments, visible material and/or gestures that the CCYAA on-site representative deems inappropriate

  • Photography, videography or any sort of media recording devices must have disclosure and approval by CCYAA on-site representative for use

  • Offensive language as deemed by CCYAA on-site representative, will not be tolerated. CCYAA members engaging in this activity will receive a warning. If behaviour persists, that respective member will be required to leave the premises

  • Participants are required to be fully clothed at all times. Changing of attire is required to be done inside change rooms / bathrooms only

  • Information collected by CCYAA will not be provided to any external agencies and will be used STRICTLY as a means to update members on relevant CCYAA events / programs. Members can request to be removed from the contact list.

  • Any non CCYAA promotion / advertising on site without approval from CCYAA is strictly prohibited

  • For liability purposes, individuals who are not registered members of CCYAA cannot be on the premises of a respective program

CCYAA members reserve the right to file a ‘letter of complaint’ regarding the CCYAA on-site representative, any other participants, the CCYAA and/or any of its affiliates to CCYAA must respond to the complaint within five (5) working days upon receipt of the complaint.